Tag Archives: vaping

All About Apple Drop E-Liquid 

Apple drop

If you’re looking for a delicious e-liquid that will remind you of your favorite apple candy, look no further than Apple Drop! This flavor is perfect for vapers who love sweet and tart flavors. It’s also one of our most popular e-liquids, so you know it’s good! In this article, we’ll tell you all about […]

Our Top 5 Gift Ideas For 2021


Ah, wintertime. The spirit of giving is all around us. As the temperature drops, our breaths get foggy — some people’s more than others. Without any tar, smoke, or ash, it’s no wonder why vape pens are considered a cleaner alternative to cigarettes. Like with any hobby, there are more ways of enjoying it to […]

How To Avoid A Smoking Relapse


A smoking relapse can happen to any smoker trying their best to quit. Many people in this situation find that they return to smoking at least a few cigarettes a day. If you’re one of them, you may find the relapses lead right back to the same number of cigarettes you were consuming before. How […]

Does Vaping Cause Health Issues?


One question every vaper gets: does this cause health issues? It’s important to clear up any misconceptions. Vaping’s reputation often leads people to turn away from it, despite its effectiveness as an anti-smoking tool. Much of this reputation rests on errors and media reports that were never properly corrected.  

Best Disposable Vapes


  Are you looking for a solid vape to help you quit smoking? Disposable vapes are ready-to-go nicotine delivery systems that you can recycle once empty. We carry some great options at Vapestop, and all the choices on our list feature lightweight, compact, smooth, flavourful draws. What you choose is up to you – here […]

How Do The Three JUUL Pod Flavours Stack Up?


  JUUL is still the most popular disposable vape system in North America. You might still hear people say “juuling” when they mean “vaping.” It’s supposed to simulate the feel of smoking, both in the taste and the feel of the device. It’s also very discreet, meaning you won’t call attention to yourself using a […]