Does Vaping Cause Health Issues?


One question every vaper gets: does this cause health issues? It’s important to clear up any misconceptions. Vaping’s reputation often leads people to turn away from it, despite its effectiveness as an anti-smoking tool. Much of this reputation rests on errors and media reports that were never properly corrected.  

Vaping And Nicotine: The Facts


Vaping can increase your exposure to nicotine, which is an addictive substance that can harm your health. No nicotine is better than some nicotine, but compared to the alternative – combusted tobacco – vaping is a better way of meeting one’s cravings. Many of the toxic and cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco come from the smoke from burning tobacco.

The problem is people increasingly think vapes are at least as harmful as cigarettes. It’s a misconception that could be stopping millions of smokers around the world from butting out for good. Vaping is the most effective tool for quitting, typically carrying a fraction of the 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke and much lower levels of several harmful substances found in smoke.

The inclusion of nicotine is why you should choose legitimate sources like Vapestop. Some “nicotine-free” vapes have been found to contain nicotine. However, regulated vaping companies are an effective harm reduction tool that helps smokers transition away from tobacco. 


What About The News Reports From 2019?


Much of the wariness around vaping comes from a series of stories that took the media by storm in 2019. Around 200 e-cigarette users across the United States were said to have developed severe lung disease, with most cases among teens and young adults. Called EVALI (short for e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury), many people blamed all vapes. The facts said otherwise! 

Experts are now sure that vaping was not the inherent cause of these lung problems. The likely culprit was a contaminant from bootleg cannabis vapes called vitamin E acetate rather than any infectious agent found in legitimate pods sold by regulated companies. The possible cause was chemical irritation or allergic or immune reactions to various chemicals or other substances in the inhaled vapours.

Rest assured, vitamin E acetate is a prohibited ingredient under CCCR 2001 in regulated Canadian e-liquid. It has never been used by reputable e-juice manufacturers globally.


The Fact: Vaping Isn’t Nearly As Harmful As The Alternatives


We know that vaping is far less harmful than the 7,000 chemicals that you ingest or that you inhale as you smoke. Vaping is the most effective smoking harm reduction tool available; according to the Canadian Vaping Association, scientific research has proven it to be 95% less harmful than smoking and 70% more effective than Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

Completely replacing cigarette smoking with vaping will reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals. No one – not even the Canadian Vaping Association – thinks that there are no health risks involved with vaping; nicotine is still an addictive substance, no matter the source. But rather than make nicotine addicts continue turning to cigarettes, vapers should get the support they need to quit smoking!